Friday, 13 July 2012

Friday The 13th

A new character has arrived... A female worm!
I know, female worms don't have hair, but I'm not sure there is anything remotely accurate about my drawings...
Anyway, remember that if a black cat crosses your path, you have to chase after it and kiss it!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Jogger's Bench

The man led his wife further into the woods, as they jogged down a dry dusty pathway, in between tree trunks and over exposed roots that arched out of the ground like a mythical serpent. Crystals of light appeared through the leafy ceiling above as they left a trail of steam escaping out of their mouths, behind them. Another couple approached from behind.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


They were sat in the front seat of his orange Micra. Water was lashing down out of the sky, and the wipers were quickly waving as a light mist began to slowly build on the windows. The car was filled with a red glow from the streetlight they were parked under, apart from the occasional bright light from a passing car.

However, they were interested in none of that. They were too engrossed in that moment, in that car, with just the two of them. They were just frozen, staring at each other with water in their eyes.